Craving a little more information? Download the latest data sheets for Snap* products and platform services or grab the Snap* logo and branding guidelines for use in your materials. Let us find the right way to meet your needs. All data sheets are in .PDF format.
Commerce Driver

EVO Snap* Mobile is a complete mobile point-of-sale (mPOS) solution allowing small business owners to streamline sales.
Simplifying Global Commerce

Snap* allows merchants to accept payments in 130 international currencies across 50 regions and settle in 13 international currencies.
Hosted Payments

Snap* Hosted Payments offers the fastest way to securely accept payments on your website.
Merchant Management Ctr.

EVO Snap* Mobile is a complete mobile point-of-sale (mPOS) solution for small business owners that streamlines sales.
Snap* Branding
Our branding is essential to the Snap* experience. The focus of our identity is fun simplicity. We created this document to help communicate our branding guidelines to partners seeking to feature EVO Snap*. We need to ensure that our brand maintains a consistent look and feel no matter where in the world it’s seen. This guide is provided to keep the brand focused and unique.
Snap* Service Matrices
View the Commerce Driver service matrix for details on supported services, including Transaction Types, Value-Added Services, Communication Methods, and Network Schemes across supported Snap* platforms.